Friday, January 22, 2010

Watched The Land Before Time today. I think I haven't seen the movie for close to 7 years already. (Can't say the same for the song though. haha.) Nevertheless, the show was still as good as how I remembered it to be. Maybe even better.

Have you ever wondered which character from the show best describes you? As much as I hate to admit, I really think I'm most like Cera. And I've always found her EXTREMELY irritating. Dammit.

Anyway, some people say that different people interprets what they see differently because everyone perceives the situation according to their own experiences.

How true that is.

A scene in the show where Little Foot felt lost and had that little non-coherent, private conversation with his mummy's spirit reminded me very much of the little solo walks and private conversations I used to have with either Dad, God or someone up there when I was at Yellowstone.

And I miss that presence very much.

I have no idea why I feel weird talking about it now. Maybe things like these should be kept deep inside and not to be shared over and over again. But like I've said, I'm a whiner. I need to whine. And I need to do this. I'm afraid of forgetting.

I remember being thankful when I was up there. Thankful for there not so creepy presence; and for their guidance. Still not sure guidance to what exactly but what mattered was, there was peace within. And I was thankful for that. At least during my solo trips.

There's no way to describe how that felt like and quoting examples wouldn't even be nearly as good but I dare say I've never been less clear of my path ahead before. Yet everything felt so right.

I guess I had faith then. Be it to god, to doing what I felt like doing and to doing when I thought was right. Faith kept me going.

but that same faith seems to be disappearing now.

It really did feel like someone was telling me, " everything's going to be alright " when I was up there. If you've watched 'city of angels', perhaps someone like Nicholas Cage had his hands on my shoulder then. Perhaps Nicholas Cage was dad.

Now though, It's like since mother's back in the picture, he disappears again. And I hate that. Because he doesn't seem to know how ridiculous our relationship's beginning to become.

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