Saturday, January 20, 2007

Took my final ride with steven's baby last night. He's gonna sell his bike today and get a car instead. rich bloke.

Both of us are so gonna miss it.

We went to lim chu kang coast guard and sat above the waters for close to 2 hrs. Did the talk clear our minds last night? Maybe yes, maybe no. But whatever it did, it's effects became highly negative today. I'm so sick of this.

Double standards, misunderstandings.
It occurs all the time.
No matter how a person tries to change.
No matter how a person tries to avoid such things from happening.
It happens.
Double crossers? A spring board? A step up platform?
That's what it is. That's what it's called.
The bad guys wins all the time don't they?

Gifts are curses in disguise i suppose.

ah, such beautiful masks.
Such stupidity.

Why am i becoming a man i hate?

sidenote: plenty of thanks to huitann for the help of sourcing vendors. :)

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