Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I thought because NUS's papers starts this week, it'll be a good time to mambo jumbo this wed to beat the crowd. So we started rallying people to come along and movveeeee but i went to facebook and saw this:

"Yisi Ng cant wait to MAMBO on wednesdayyy."

!!! what happened to your exams?!


Anyway, yep, the final paper has officially ended. But i'm not allowed to do anything coz she still has one paper tomorrow. ( And i'm like a jail bird now coz i can't watch show or play viwawa or play puzzle bee coz it'll distract her and i have to feed her while she studies. -_-'' )

But that's besides the point. I can't wait for tomorrow coz we're FINALLY going out of NTU. I've runned out of soap, of facial wash, of conditioner and of mouth wash. It's really high time the exams ended.

Dive Redang's coming up in 6 days. Really excited to go for advanced but kinda skeptical, i guess, about the rush. Thanks to Yvonne 51, we're able to cramp our advanced into 2 days which means we'll be damn shagged every night. Thank god sharm's gonna come with us to watch out for our safety. hope we pass hope we pass. After that, we can try for Dive Master and we'll be able to work part time!

Ok, i know i'm sounding KINDA bimbo right now.. but i'm really really psyched about having finished exams, kuishinbo ( now where did that come from? ), mambo and redang trip.

3 cheers for hiang en for planning oec!

sidenote: a million thanks to shu juan who msged me every night before my papers for luck. =))

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