Saturday, March 07, 2009

Yet another man who killed himself in ntu.
There must be lotsa buzz going ard - asking why and is ntu really that pressuring? i hope the press learns about the dirty stuffs in ntu. but the press being sph.. ha. who am i kidding?

Why wouldn't ppl kill themselves?

what with the pathetic fyp mates they have, irresponsible fyp supervisor, crazily packed deadlines and the unfeeling marking scheme. oh wait, those are the reasons for ppl like me.

Honestly, i think that's the only way to wake them up. To spook them for the rest of their lives. I can't stand their irresponsibility any longer. it's like a dead-end, pointless fight.

NTU says that students who are stessed out can approach their supervisors for help.

But can they really?

FYP ( at least for business )doesn't do peer evaluation - not like it helps anyway - and it had a substatial percentage of marks going to the cohesiveness of the team. sooo, what it bascially means is that if we were to approach the tutor, we have 0 cohesiveness. it also means that free-riders are absolutely encouraged in FYP.

And what makes them think that supervisors are willing or have the ability to help?

Imagine having a supervisor who replies your updates claiming that he's too busy till end of april ( way after the submission date ) to check up on us.

And this reply came AFTER the whole stabbing incident. smart.

so can we really approach our supervisor for help? sometimes i really wish i could.

have it not been for my friends and neighbours, not for jasmine, and not for the thought of how my mum's gonna survive with the 2 rude, domineering and behave-like-they-are-kings sons, things may have gone very very wrong a long long time ago.

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