Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nearer, my god, to thee;
nearer to thee.

To celebrate the end of my exams,
I decided to watch titanic ( much thanks to jon for sending me the movie alongside many many nice ones ).

Chessy as it may sound, it's really really good.

It's scary to think of what might happen if we were on that ship instead.
Not everyone could be so fortunate as to die whilst in the arms of your other half.
Look at the thousands who got separated when they were struggling for their lives.

What could possibly be in their minds?

Where's my mama?
Where's my family?
Are they alive?

am i going to die?
How am i going to die?
Will i drown?
or hit my head on something?

Death.. is it a scary thing or not?


Its been a long time since i last stepped into church.
Mother's always saying how much we need a religion so there's like a belief system in times of need.
I agree with that.
But agreeing is one thing, doing is another.

Being a faithful servant requires alot of time and committment and while many people will disagree with me, I just can't seem the drive and motivation to put it as my priority.

Yes, it could be because of past encounters.
Yes, it could be because the religion had made me lose faith in it.
But.. it's still me.
Casting all reasons aside, I am still the main reason why i'm not there.


i guess i'm just not ready to put my religion as my top priority.
That doesn't mean i don't believe in god. I do, i guess. It's just a matter of prioritization.

Guess i should find the courage to step in there one more time.

Its high time i paid father a visit anyway.


yet in my dreams I'd be ,
nearer, my God, to thee.
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer to thee.

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