Thursday, April 12, 2007

have you ever felt like ur head's an empty space?
Nothing but air.
Despite putting information inside, nothing seems to go in place.

Day by day, i'm starting to live like i have no control of my life. Time fly by me without my realisation. I stare out everyday, my eyes not fixed on anything. most of the time.

Even if i do, it's at my own temptation and not what i have to do.

Who am i kidding?
Uni is not for me.
Why did i try to be such a hero?
Why did i try on this path, knowing i'm not meant for it?

I feel the stress rising, far beyond what i can handle.
But at the same time, i feel guilty and unworthy of this stress. For i haven't been putting in my heart and soul at studying.
Whose fault is it but mine?

My focus's not on my education right now, but other forces stronger and closer to me.

The walls are yelling out at me.
They're sneering, they're laughing.
Yes, i know..
I don't belong here.

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