I don't know why I've been blogging random one liners lately. Changes are so rampant here that I find myself fearing for what's to come next. Somehow good things seem to come and go so quickly yet bad things linger and haunt us ever so often.
I've made myself some pretty good comrades at this job.. as of every other place I've been to. And I've found comfort in some of them. But I know better than to dwell in good feelings like these. Things won't stay this way for sure and now, I fear 'goodbyes' before 'hello' even begins. I don't dare to commit anymore. Yet, some people just have that power to make you want to.
Yellowstone memories still rakes deeply in my mind and now that I've signed on, memories have been pinned up on the wall facing me so no one else but me can see and feel how close they are to me.
I like the times where I don't think much better.
Why even right now, I'm struggling to blog about how happy/scared/sad I am.