Lovebites pre-event came and went.
I guess you could say it was pretty smooth sailing apart from a couple of hiccups. My mind probably hasn't switch to the back-to-studies tempo seeing that i've been having a string of weird dreams, including mending more stalls.
I hope lovebites next yr would have ppl from various blocks as well as a more proper recording system. It's really funny to tell the world that we have a 10 yr history with no proper form of handover, no fixed logo, no regulars and no improvements. A short conversation with priscilla made me realise that despite having a single blk dominate the main committee for yrs, lovebite's reputation still carries the word, " cui. "
Of course, i'm kinda disappointed that hall 10 themselves weren't really supportive of the event. A few familiar faces were seen. Mostly from 51 i guess. 50 had a few ppl.. 52 had only..err...darren, peter and yun xuan? oh..mag, kevin and shawn also. i'm sorry but i can't rem any from 49. oh wait! there's ferda. ( i hope i spelt her name correctly. )
At the same time, here's a heartfelt thank you to those frm 04s307 who dropped by.. namely sandy, jia yun, nene and yuan fang? ah bert lied. she didn't show up. Nene came on BOTH days with her same FEW friends. hahaha...but it's the thought that counts right? Who else would make her way from Cant A to Cant B just to say hi? That's why i'm buying bak kwa from we're quits now. haha.. i hope i didn't leave anyone out. If i did, i'm sorry. I'm not unappreciative, i'm just having some memory lapse now. :(
I heard O level results are gonna be out coming friday. Give it a week or 2 and the A levels will be out. That's quick. How time flies. It seems like i just took my results not too long ago. Soon, more familiar faces will be seen. heh.
I really dislike this sem. I have no want to study, no want to go school, no want to see my classmates. We're like of exact opposite worlds. Not in the " i find you ppl interesting " way but in the " lets just keep out of each other's way " way.
I think the world is coming to an end. Look at how the seasons are changing. These are signs. Thanks to man's selfish needs, global warming --> melting of ice caps --> floods, seasonal change ,etc. --> end of the world. It that's true, then it's really sad coz we're wasting our time studying the determinants of interest rates now.
Speaking of which, can someone pls help me with
interest rates? A whole afternoon dedicated solely to that topic and still i don't understand.
Damn this bloody backache. Someone get me a yoko-yoko!
Maybe i don wanna be reminded.It's hard to say it, time to say it.Goodbye. Goodbye.